Exhibit Type
Temporary Exhibit
On Display
July 10-September 11 2016

Olympic Games? No! The games REAL people play!

The Summer Olympics are coming! The count-down to Rio reads T minus 30 days. The Olympic Games bring America’s focus on “Games” and our insatiable will to compete. The majority of us will never compete at an Olympic level, but we do compete. In Northeast Iowa, we have other outlets such as: board games, outdoors games, card and dice games – what we like to fondly call the Carnegie Games. The recent 4th of July weekend lay witness to all sorts of play. Did you connect and socialize with friends/family? Did you win a game?

The “Games People Play” temporary exhibit will be on display from July 10-September 11 at the Carnegie Cultural Center. Local volunteers have loaned over 150 board games to create the newest exhibit. It is sure to provide fond memories of F-U-N! Enjoy the card games we play as adults and board games we play throughout life. Bring your camera-take a photo in front of our life-size scrabble board! Share your opinion on your top 10 board games. Which game should win the CCC gold medal? Interested in vintage games and in current games? No doubt, you will see some you know and others you’ll learn the rest of the story…

Watch for more information regarding our special, back to school Carnegie Games Competition in August