Exhibit Type
Temporary Exhibit
On Display
August 24-September 17, 2017
Reception Date
Sunday, August 27, 2017 | 1:30-3:30PM
An Exhibit of Steve Timmerman’s Collection

“Our flag is our country’s symbols of ideals that are mean to last. It’s a promise for our future; a reminder of our past.” – Pam Munoz Ryan The Flag We Love. Our American flag conjures many things for many people. But for Steve Timmerman, it was a passion. In third grade his teacher asked the class “who wants this old flag-we have a new one with more stars.” Up went the hand of young Timmerman… and he had it over his bed until he moved out of his parent’s home.

Steve Timmerman, an avid American Flag collector, shares many of his collection with the public in “Honoring Our American Flag Exhibit”. The public is encouraged to come and visit the Carnegie Cutlrual Center fro now until September 17th. Every citizen should stop and see this exhibit. There are many topics, in which one can discuss. This exhibit is for all; including young children just learning about the flag to the deep resounding patriotism shown by our older citizen as they reflect on the sacrifices made throughout the years.

A public reception will be held August 27, this Sunday, from 1:30-3:30PM at the Carnegie Cultural Center. Steve Timmerman will present a Q/A session after giving us brief insight on official and unofficial flags. He will discuss his Gold Star Flag and introduce the topic of World War I. Bonnie Cleveland, Nashua, will share Ms. Emily Thompson’s Gold Star Mothers Trip in 1930. In this exhibit, we honor the men who served in the Great War and have a honor wall for the 28 men who gave their lives from Chickasaw County.